Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe

The Menu for Justice Project Report

Daniela Piana, Philip Langbroek, Tomas Berkmanas e.a. (redactie) 9789462360556 | 1e druk, 2013


IMenu for Justice Project: Origins and the Process
2Social Science and Judicial Studies: Lessons from the US and Europe
3Empirical Field and Methodology
IILegal Education in Europe: General Analyses
5Cooperation Between Law Schools and Courts, Comparative Analysis
IIITask Force 1 Undergraduate Legal Studies in Europe: Comparative Analyses
7Composition of Curriculum for European Students of Law Faculty: “State of the Art”
8Innovation in Undergraduate Law Studies in Europe: “State of the Art”
9The “Bologna Model” and the Italian Reform of Laurea Magistrale
IVTask Force 2 Graduate Legal Studies in Europe: Comparative Analyses and Lessons Learned
11Barriers to Advancing Legal and Judicial Studies
12Institutional Autonomy, Barriers to Change and Innovation and Innovative Methods in Graduate Legal Studies: Lessons Learned
13Innovative and Interdisciplinary Contents and Programmes in Graduate Legal Studies: Lessons Learned
VTask Force 3 ph.d. Legal Studies in Europe: Comparative Analysis
VITask Force 4 Vocational Legal and Judicial Training in Europe: Comparative Analyses and Research Reports
16Judicial Administration – Comparison of Case Summaries and Comments with a View to an Inventory of Possible Judicial Training Needs in Europe
17Building Blocks for Legal and Judicial Training: Proposals to Identify and Assess New Training Needs
VIIToward a European Curriculum Studiorum on Judicial Studies? Recommendations for Policymakers and Course Developers
About the Sponsors


Menu for Justice is the first European project that takes seriously the issue of how the new generation of Europeans should be trained in law and legal matters and how experts in law and the judicial process can develop new skills and competences to effectively face the challenges of a common judicial space. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The project takes up a major issue in contemporary judicial politics: to what extent and by which means can legally relevant  expertise  be supported to ensure an efficient, effective, and legitimate judicial system? This, of course, is not only a matter of policies and of organisation of judicial administrations. It is also a matter of how lawyers and for more specific functions, judges, are trained considering the current, rapidly changing societal circumstances.  By devoting three years to joint working among fifty partners in Europe, this project aims to assess the key gaps in legal and judicial education in all European countries at all stages of education: from undergraduate to graduate and PhD programs in universities to vocational training of lawyers and judges. By assessing the “state of the art” of education for law students, lawyers and judges in Europe, Menu for Justice aims to provide vital information to policy makers considering the development of an innovative curriculum studiorum in judicial studies. It will also provide European institutions and the public with basic guidelines for monitoring the way legal and judicial training are changing in Europe.


Academics, policy makers,and  practitioners in the field of legal education.


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