Designing a Research Project

Piet Verschuren en Hans Doorewaard 9789059315723 | 2e druk, 2010


1Project design
IConceptual design
IITechnical research design
Appendix: Conceptual model


The primary goal of Designing a Research Project is to assist graduate students, PhD candidates and research fellows to develop an effective research design. In addition this book offers supervisors and tutors an opportunity to tighten their grip on their counseling roles while enabling them to perfect their student’s progress and help them to achieve better research results. Both practice-oriented and theory-oriented research can benefit from applying the methodology that is offered when designing a research project.

Designing a Research Project provides insights, guiding principles and methodology for developing a transparent conceptual and technical design for a research. The guiding principles for the conceptual design or research issue help to formulate an attainable and effective research objective, to outline a clear research framework and to determine relevant research issues. The technical design concerns the selection of an adequate research strategy, the different ways of collecting data or information required and the making of a research plan.

On the basis of various examples the reader is introduced into the creative process of designing a research project. At the end of each chapter a step-by-step plan of action is presented which can be used by the readers when designing their project.


Students and Academics


Piet Verschuren is a professor of Research Methodology and Hans Doorewaard is a professor of Organisation Development, both employed by the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The authors are experienced in designing all kinds of theory-oriented and practice-oriented research projects.


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